Norfolk Naval Shipyard Portsmouth, VA - Housing Office and Government Housing

    Norfolk Navy Housing Welcome Center

    Norfolk Navy Housing Welcome Center is located at 7924 14th St., Bldg SDA - 337, Norfolk, VA 23505. Norfolk Navy Housing Welcome Center can be reached by their main phone number at (757) 445-2721. Alternatively, you can reach Norfolk Navy Housing Welcome Center by phone at (757) 445-2753. You can also reach Norfolk Navy Housing Welcome Center by phone at (800) 628-7510. The listed DSN line is 312-565-2721 / 2753.

    Navy Housing Center

    Navy Housing Center is located at 7924 14th St, Norfolk, VA 23505. Navy Housing Center can be reached by their main phone number at (757) 445-2832. Alternatively, you can reach Navy Housing Center by phone at (800) 628-7510. The listed DSN line is 312-565-2832.